Free quickscan

The quickscan as a quick orientation

The quickscan is developed to give you a first orientation on the strengths of your blended and online education performance and your fields of improvement. These fields of improvement need further attention and will be the basis for working with the manual.

Step 1: Build a small team

The quickscan needs to be filled out by different disciplines in your organisation coming from management, course designers, tutors and students. It is therefore recommended to build a small team of people that correspond to these disciplines. The team also has the task to find out which benchmarks are relevant or less important for their institution. The result of doing the quickscan must be an agreed overview of benchmarks that fit your institution as well as a number of benchmarks that ask for an action line in the roadmap of improvement.

Step 2: E-xcellence manual as reference

The E-xcellence manual is an instrument to assess the institution on its blended and online education performance. The manual is based on 35 benchmarks directly related to blended and online education specific quality criteria. These form the basis for our self-assessment exercise. As the manual is not a book you start reading from page one till the end, you need to be guided in deciding which chapters (read benchmarks) are of interest to your institution. The quickscan is just doing that!

Step 3: Get started

We ask you to consider each statement and to judge how this aspect of blended and online education is realised in the course or programme of your institution or faculty. How much and which attention does your institution pay to the specific aspect of blended and online education that is mentioned in the benchmark?

The instrument offers you the opportunity to make comments on the specific issues by indicating: Not Adequate, Partially Adequate, Largely Adequate or Fully Adequate. The instrument also offers you the opportunity to make comments on the specific issue: in the box, you can refer to documents or other references which can be used as a reference on that specific aspect of blended and online education. Filling out this box is not required. It can be usefull for internal discussion. You can share the results with your colleagues.

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© 2009 EADTU