About E-xcellence

E-xcellence is...

  • an enhancement instrument for improving university’s online, open and flexible (OOF) performance

  • a tool and manual to assess current performance and it offers guidance for improvement

  • a reference instrument for universities starting with blended education at an institutional level

  • a branding instrument for those universities that have the E-xcellence label

  • promoting the quality aspects of state of the art online, open and flexible education

  • a community of associates in quality, facilitated to share good practices

  • a partner for universities as well as quality assurance agencies to give a reference on state of the art online, open and flexible education

  • an incentive for continuous improvement, as the institution has to renew its label after three years

E-xcellence Associates Label

With E-xcellence, EADTU is leading a European movement on Quality Assurance in blended and online education. More specifically, the building of a blended and online education benchmarking community of Associates in Quality. The E-xcellence associates are focusing on the improvement of four priority elements of progressive higher education: Accessibility, Flexibility, Interactiveness and Personalisation.

The E-xcellence quality benchmarking instrument supports universities in enhancing their Online, Open and Flexible (OOF) education at programme, faculty and institutional level.

Guided self-assessment

Universities are stimulated to improve their blended and online education performance by a free guided self-assessment (quickscan). This assessment can be a stand-alone exercise for the higher education institution, leading to the first insight in fields of improvement. The approach can be extended with a paid review online or on-site from blended and online education experts. This extension is formalised in the E-xcellence Associates label.

The E-xcellence Associates label is not a label for proven excellence but rather a label for institutions/faculties using the E-xcellence instrument for self-assessment to take measures of improvement accordingly.

© 2009 EADTU