Quickscan and review

Use the free quickscan as a quick orientation (basic option) or extend it with an expert review either on-site or online. 

The quickscan as a quick orientation (basic option)

Step 1: fill out the free quickscan.

You get a first orientation on the strengths of your blended and online education performance and your fields of improvement. You can use the output, for example, as input for internal discussions. The manual will help you and your team to formulate a roadmap for improvement.

The quickscan with an expert review (extended option)

Step 1: fill out the free quickscan.

Step 2: blended and online education experts (reviewers) will do an on-site or online assessment.

Step 3: your university meets up with the reviewers, (on-site or online) and you receive recommendations and advice, which will be captured in a final report.

If you fulfil the conditions, you are allowed to use the 
E-xcellence label.

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