The course design process should demonstrate a rational progression. The need for the course within the overall curriculum should first be established. Then a conceptual framework for the course should be designed, followed by the detailed development of course materials.
Each course should include a clear statement of the learning outcomes to be achieved on successful completion. These outcomes will be specified in terms of knowledge, skills, vocational/professional competencies, personal development, etc. and will usually be a combination of these.
The development of each course should include a clearly documented course specification which sets out the relationship between learning outcomes, learning activities and assessment. A course may include a blend of blended and online education and face-to-face components; the choice of components should
take account of appropriate assessment methods, levels of interactivity and provision of feedback.
Aspects of course design and implementation may be delegated to an outside agency (a consortium partner, commercial developer or through use of OER). However, the parent institution should retain oversight and responsibility.